GET Listed on the site

Feel free to list anything that serves wellness-minded people!  You provide the URL to your product, service, or information.

Current Fees:    $20 per Event Listing   |   $100 Annual Advocate Listing-up to 3 places on this site 

Examples: Services, Events or Products for the general public or for practitioners, farmer's markets, training, open houses, venue or space rentals


  1. Complete the appropriate form below to apply for a listing.  We reserve the right to refuse or remove any listing, for any reason.  Ethics are required!
  2. Receive an email in a couple of weeks that submission was received and approved.  You will be instructed to pay your fee(s), using the bottons below.
  3. Listing is within roughly a month, at which point you will receive an email notification, recommending you test your link(s). 
  4. If an Annual Advocate Listing or a Recurring Event, the link expires one year from the date your link is added to the site.
  5. Renewal information will be emailed to you prior to the expiration date.  If you do not respond, the listing will be removed on the expiration date. 
  6. One-time event listings will be removed after the date of the event. 
  7. Questions or changes can be emailed to but change fees will be required and determined at that time.